The most common laser mistakes – #5

I have spent over 20 years studying, researching and working towards perfecting laser therapy, and I want to share some very important points with you that will help you improve your laser outcomes today.

Today we’re starting with #5 of the most common laser mistakes.

One of the most common laser mistakes I see Vets make is Not using their laser!

You would be amazed at how many vets say, “yeah, I've got a laser and it's sitting over there in the corner.”

But let’s get into why this isn’t working for them.

Everybody knows about the contraindications – the reasons not to use a laser. But some vets don't realize what all the indications are. So let's talk about both.



Cancer seems like a clear contraindication. Except laser therapy can be a great treatment for palliative reasons.

Injection Sites

When we inject something into the tissue, it can have a direct effect or it can be metabolized, and the metabolites can have an effect in the body. The effects of the injection have been studied, so we have an expected outcome, but if laser energy, with or without heat, may change that outcome.

The substance may be altered and/or the tissue around the substance may be altered. We know there are effects on circulation, usually vasodilation and changes in the permeability of the blood vessels. The cells in the treatment field can have changes in electrolyte transmission through the cell membrane, and we may even affect cell messenger complexes. We just don't know how laser therapy can affect the injected substance or how it is metabolized, so for now, it is best to consider this a contraindication until we know more.

Indications - These are just a sampling of those you may not have thought of

  • Dental issues

  • Surgery healing

  • Osteoarthritis

  • Stroke

  • Nerve Regeneration

  • Kidney Perfusion

  • Bronchitis

  • Chronic Cystitis

  • Degenerative myelopathy

  • Behavioral issues

  • Cellulitis

  • Perianal fistulas

  • Snake bits

  • Anal glands

  • and more!

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The most common laser mistakes – #4


How the shape of a laser’s lens changes the beam and affects the power